Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chess Puzzle

Good luck with today's puzzle.

Both players were in time trouble in the above position, so White felt obliged to take the draw by repetition of position: 1.Rc8+ Kd4 2.Rd8+ Kc4 (and not Kc5 because of 3.Rb8 and Black cannot interpose his rook on b3 - after Kc4 he can). What did both players miss?

Solution to yesterday's puzzle:
A A Ponelis - P van Dyk
OFS Open, Kroonstad 1967
1.e6! and with the attack on his queen, his knight and f7 Black is powerless. He tried 1...Qxf4 but after 2.exf7+ capitulated. If 2...Qxf7 3.Rxe8 mate.

Well done to Sean Coffey again! Remind me not to play you OTB - you see too much altogether.

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