Thursday, July 29, 2010

Chess Puzzle

Today's puzzle:

This position was first published in "Chess Mate" magazine in April 1983 with the stipulation that white was to play and win. The solution given is 1.Nb5! cb5 2.R6f8! wins. However, a talented reader wrote in demonstrating an error in the analysis. Can you find it?

Solution to the last puzzle:
Svancina - Muller
Vienna 1941
1...g4!! 2.Kc5 f4!!
But not 2...h4?? 3.gxh4 f4 4.g3! and White wins.
3...h4! 4.gxh4 g3
The third and final pawn sacrifice, forcing the decisive breakthrough.
5.fxg3 e3
And the rest was silence ...

1 comment:

Sean Coffey said...

Since no-one else has replied:

2 ... Nb3+ 3 axb3 Rd1+ 4 Kc2 Rc7 mate. If 3 Kc2 Rc7+ 4 Kxb3 Bd1+ 5 Ka3 Ra4 mate.

This would be easy to miss from the original position because there's so much material blocking the c-file that ... Rc7 doesn't stand out as a threat.